Go Green With APC

APC provides “green plumbing” options and alternatives to our customers that conform to one or more of the national green building standards:


  • ASHRAE ANSI Standard 189.1 Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
  • Green Globes-Green Building Initiative (GBI) ANSI Standard 01-2008: Green Building Assessment Protocol for Commercial Buildings
  • ASHRAE Proposed ANSI Standard 191 – Standard for the Efficient Use of Water in Building, Site and Mechanical Systems

Depending on our customer’s needs, whether for a commercial or residential project, we are experienced in helping them to achieve their GREEN plumbing goals.

What is “Green Plumbing”?

The primary aspect of green plumbing is reducing water usage. The cost of clean water is estimated to rise rapidly in the next few decades due to overuse and diminishing freshwater supplies. There are many green plumbing practices and strategies to help reduce overall water usage.

The second aspect of green plumbing is reducing energy usage. It is estimated that roughly 30 percent of energy used in the typical home/office goes towards heating hot water. An important part of reducing energy usage is by making use of green plumbing practices which minimize hot water usage and more efficiently heat water.